Sunday, 18 September 2011

Follow Me, Follow, Down to the Hollow...

Well hello there!

Just a quick instructional post for now -- people have been asking (no, really, they have! I'm not making this up, honest!) how to Follow this here blog. And since you asked so nicely I shall tell thee:

1. If you have a Googlemail/Gmail account, sign in using your normal login details after clicking on Sign in the top right corner, like so:

2. Then, after you're all signed in and your Googlemail/Gmail address is now showing where the words Create Blog used to be, click on the word Follow in the top left corner, comme ci:

3. Blogger will then ask you if you want to Follow Dater Overload publicly or anonymously (I'm guessing if you follow me anonymously I won't know so I may have scores of followers... I just don't know who they are. Gnarf.).

Where it says "Start following" the name of this blog will follow; as will the web address after http://, and unless you have a Gmail profile photo, a default profile photo will appear under "Your picture".
Select either of these options then click the orange Follow option.

4. You'll get a helpful notification that you are now following Dater Overload. If you're a regular blogger please add me to your blogroll if that's your bag, babies.

And... welcome! 

I should have set up the blog so you don't have to be signed in on Googlemail to comment but if you have any problems I'll look into it. And if you don't have a Gmail/Googlemail account, please just bookmark me and pop in every now and then and prepare to be stunned by my remarkable wit or insight. Or to laugh at my inadequacies, safe in the knowledge that your grasp on social mores, or in fact reality, is that much tighter than mine. :-)

Thanks ever so!

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