"Oh, Elec, dear, I am so frightfulleh fed ahp of this Interweb dating malarkeh..." | via here |
The sort that begin at 5.30pm and end but two hours later.
I became quite skilled at those over the summer. Dating lite, one might call it.
I prefer to call it a portent. But I always have been a little melodramatic.
After the shocktail of a date that was SSM, I was of the opinion that...
So I kept an open mind.
And I went on a duck-feeding date (that's not a euphemism) followed by Malaysian dinner-in-an-underground-yes-secret-but-only-to-the-non-Malaysian-population restaurant in Bayswater with an Australian-Malaysian; and by definition the date was a vast improvement on the last if only because this Aussie was friendly, easy-going and unpretentious -- genuinely nice.
...Needless to say he and I had nothing in common, so we did actually run out of conversation matter round about half seven. But that was OK. I think I'd decided by this point that I'd had my fill of internet dating -- plus it was bankrupting me, financially and emotionally.
So... since September it's been somewhat quiet on the Dating Front.
via here |
But that's fine by me. Either a person is suited to the Whacky Whirlwind of Internet Dating...
...or they're not.
And I'm, er, not.
Sorry about that.
I just don't enjoy it.
...Of course, if I come by a date by less artificial, more personal means, I'm not ruling it out. Bring it ON. I'm open to that.
What I'm less open to is the judgment, the expectation and the subsequent disappointment leading to the inevitable Puncturing of the Morale time after time.
I'm significantly less open to having everyone tell me that their sister's housemate's cousin's neighbour found their life partner on the internet dating treadmill*. My closest friends (with the notable exception of J) met their partners because their partners appeared naturally in their lives.
But. BUT! In spite of the last few colourful months, I have absolute faith that if a person is meant to be in my life, he'll fit into it as it is and as I am (give or take a small amount of effort to Get Out More, admittedly).
*Speaking of treadmills... I've joined the gym, to train for a charity walk next year. And You Never Know how that might pan out...
Screenshot from Sex and the City, Series 4, Ep2, The Real Me |
As a footnote, I should assure you, my two lovely readers, that although I have officially Leapt Off the Internet Dating Merry-Go-Round, this 'ere blog, in the manner of a certain theme tune about a certain sunken ship, will... go on for as long as it takes me to Find My Lobster.
Sorry about that. :-)
Oh and as another footnote (how many footnotes can you have before it becomes a legnote?) you may remember Back in the Early Days of Dater Overload I took issue with this advert:
There's been a new MisMatch advert out of late, and it's safe to say that the bile/vitriol currently rising in my throat is a direct result of having seen this MisLeading Schmaltz-fest:
in which a young man serenades a young woman (of
My issues with both of these adverts are
1. These are both the sorts of people who in reality, will never, ever find themselves needing to internet-date.
2. Both of these scenarios imply that the couples are meeting spontaneously and not via the internet dating site they're actually promoting.
3. The virtues upon which Boy in the Second Ad is serenading Girl are as follows:
Best smile he's seen for a while
Great skin
Hair colour (he's fond of her because she's a blonde albeit not a natural one -- that's refreshing...)
Beautiful beguiling eyes...
So, her appearance, then. Reassuring.
Let's hope that if they get together it soon transpires she's a slob who leaves her toenail clippings on the side of the bath, never takes out the recycling, won't let him watch the Grand Prix because there's a Kardashian marathon on and only buys top-of-the-range clothes thus leaving them in £20,000 of debt by their thirtieth birthdays. That'll learn him.
4. The train that goes past at the beginning of that ad is a Southern Failways train going through a Southern-line station, shortly before an announcement is made for a Southern service, so how on earth is she just "off" to
Congratulations, MisMatch, you just shot yourself in the foot(note). Again.
5. If she joins him on his platform, surely, she's going to miss her train...
ReplyDeleteVery good point. It is a long old slog to Wigan...